Publicaties – 2017

  • Harteveld, J., van, Goossensen, A. & Graaf, H. Van der (2017) Holimozus, nee! Reflecties over machteloosheid. Amersfoort: Uitgave VPTZ Nederland.
  • Spekkink, A. Goossensen, A. (2017) Het werk van vrijwilligers in de palliatieve terminale zorg. Pallium.
  • Wijngaarden, E.J. van, Leget, C.J.W., Goossensen, A. (2017) The social-political challenges behind the wish to die in older people who consider their lives to be completed and no longer worth living. The European Journal of Social Policy.
  • Wijngaarden, E.J. van, Leget, C.J.W., Goossensen, A. (2017) Ethical uneasiness and the need for open-ended reflexivity: The case of research into older people with a wish to die. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.